March is here and as hard as it is to believe, that means spring is just around the corner. Everyone throughout Massachusetts can probably agree that our snow-filled surrounding and icy journeys have overstayed their welcome. Sunny, green days where it is warm enough to open those windows and stroll outside sound better and better by the minute.
With the change in season also comes another time that we all know: Spring Cleaning! Many insects and pests are dormant during the cold winter months, but you are likely to see them out in full-force when the days are warm again. So, while you are busy getting your home in tip-top shape, go ahead and complete a few quick and easy steps to prevent any potential bug invasions this spring.
Check for cracks or openings in floors, walls, or surrounding windows or doors where insects could sneak through.
Clean out your kitchen cabinets and pantries of any old, unsealed food containers or packaging.
Make sure all garbage and trash is sealed and disposed of properly.
Stay tidy! Keeping your home clean is a basic way to remove any material that may attract insects indoors.
Bees, wasps, spiders, ants, house flies and more; these are the insects that thrive come the spring season. It is amazing what a few simple steps can do to help keep your home pest-free. However, if you do find yourself in need of our pest control and inspection services, the crew at A & M Pest Control is happy to help and guarantees prompt, professional services.
Call today at (855) BUGS 123 (284-7123) or locally (508) 499-2262 or contact us online!