Hornet, Yellow Jacket, and Wasp Treatment Services for Cape Cod & Plymouth County Residents!
*At this time, we do not facilitate the removal & relocation of Bumble & Honey Bees*
A & M Pest Control can remove the following flying insects & nests from your property or business safely and effectively! Bees can range in size from tiny stingless bee species whose workers are less than 2 millimeters long. The giant species bee can attain a length of 39 millimeters.
How Can We Help Cape Cod Residents?
Each wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket species has its fair share of risks and hazards, especially when removing a nest. Leaving this task to a professional is often advised, depending on the situation. This can significantly reduce direct injury or severe allergic reactions as you will not expose yourself to the nest directly. Learn more about some of the most common types of bees found in Cape Cod and how A & M can help make your property hornet, wasp, or yellow jacket-free this summer!
Detecting Different Nests
If you are experiencing a high number of wasps on your property, it could be a sign that a nest is nearby. Here are some different types of nests to look out for – contact A&M Pest Control if you find any of these on your property.
Bald-Faced Hornets Nest
Mud Dauber’s Nest
Yellow Jacket Nest
Paper Wasp Nest
- Bald-Faced Hornets Nest
- Mud Dauber’s Nest
- Yellow Jacket Nest
- Paper Wasp Nest
Paper Wasps
Paper Wasps build open and exposed nests that look like an upside-down umbrella. These nests can get large late in the season, and some can build new nests upon older nests. These are often found in attics and wall voids.
Yellow Jackets
Yellow Jackets have one of the more common nests, surrounded by a papery covering. These are found within wall voids and ground cavities. Typically, they’ll build nests in hollow trees or even under porches.
Bald Faced Hornets
These hornets build nests like yellow jackets covered in a papery shell, whereas European hornets build nests in cavities like tree stumps. They typically consist of wood fibers mixed with saliva and can grow to the size of a football.
Mud Daubers
Probably the most uncommon type of nest, Mud Daubers construct nests using mud or clay. They are tiny, tubular-shaped shutes built-in cracks or crevices in masonry, stone, or timber.
Contact A&M Pest Control for the treatment of Yellow Jackets, Hornets & Wasps.
A & M Pest Control proudly serves Cape Cod & Plymouth County residents with any and all of their pest control needs. We only provide highly effective solutions in order to protect you, your household, your business, and the environment we live in. If you are having pest control problems, call us directly at (508) 237-9536, or contact us for a free inspection!