Eco-Friendly Field Ant Control

Field Ants

Field ants are often mistaken for Carpenter ants due to their habit of nesting in wooded areas and on fallen trees.

However, they do not nest indoors nor do they nest in the wood itself. Rather they create subterranean nests and use wood and other plant matter as covering for their mounds.

Field ants are also known as ‘thatching ants’, ‘wood ants’, or ‘red ants’.

What do Field ants look like?

The label ‘Field ants’ picks out a genus of over 230 different species. Field ants are commonly brown, black, tan, or red. Some species are bi-colored. All of this variation makes at-a-glance visual identification difficult. A more fruitful way to identify Field ants is by their nesting habits-- subterranean nests in bright outdoor areas.

Where would I find Field ants?

As their names ‘Field ants’ and ‘Wood ants’ imply, they are most often found in open fields with plenty of thatching material. They prefer brighter areas, and colonies in heavily wooded/shaded areas do not survive long.

What do Field ants eat?

Field ants prey on other insects. In fact, they are so effective that they have been introduced into new areas in order to control or counter harmful species. Field ants are generally beneficial creatures with negligible downsides for humans. However, due to their ability to thrive and reproduce in yards, large populations can become a nuisance and may need to be controlled.

Are Field ants dangerous?

Field ants do not have a sting, properly speaking. What they can do to humans is pinch skin between their mandibles and squirt formic acid, which gives a stinging feeling and produces irritation in the area. If more serious symptoms develop from a Field ant bite, seek medical attention.

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