Protect Yourself from Ticks This Summer

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Tick bites are one of the most common insect bits during the summer seasons. According to John Hopkins Lyme Disease Research Center, about 300,000 cases of Lyme Disease surface in the United States yearly. This is why we consider it a necessity to educate the public about how to save themselves from ticks. Keep reading below to learn how to protect yourself against ticks best this summer.

Create a Tick-Safe Zone

If you have a yard, use gravel to create a barrier between the wooded areas and your outdoor living spaces. It will be more difficult for ticks to cross over the rocky terrain. Another way to create a tick-safe zone is to keep your lawn tidy and mowed. You should also keep mice away from your yard, as they can quickly transfer Lyme disease to ticks.

Wear Protective Clothing

Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks outdoors in tick-prone areas. This also includes tucking pants into your socks to protect the exposed part of your leg from tick bites. Understandably, you may want to appear stylish with shorter clothes, but protective clothing can still be stylish – we promise! 

Use Tick Repellant

There are lots of chemical repellants out there, including permethrin. For whatever product you choose to use, ensure it’s registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Also, follow the instructions on the labels for proper application. You don’t need to apply the repellants directly on your skin – many of them usually last long on cloth, even after multiple washes.

Check for Ticks Regularly

After spending time outdoors, always check for ticks on your body. This prevents possible Lyme disease, which can be transmitted between 48 to 72 hours. It also prevents the ticks from entering your home and affecting your family or pets. Pay attention to every body part, including the ears, armpits, groin, hairline, scalp, and even behind the knees. Ensure also to keep another family member in check, especially the children.

Get Professionals to Help Handle Tick Infestation

Do you have ticks around you, and they keep growing in numbers? At this point, it may be challenging to get rid of them. Contact A&M Pest Control to remove ticks professionally using the proper and safe chemicals. 

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